This week marked the end of my 2-week beginner swimming class. It was successful in that by the second day, I was swimming freestyle with side-breathing. Mind you, I wasn’t swimming fast nor was I swimming far, but I was swimming nonetheless. I would swim 25m and then need many minutes of rest before I can swim another length.
That was when the lessons became somewhat useless. I was in a class with folks that were afraid of the water, but by the second day, I was mostly on my own as the instructors focused on the beginner adults. I would swim lengths of the pool taking breaks while the class did other things.
For the second week, I aimed to swim at least 200m each day in total and I managed to do that. While I can’t swim more than 25m at a time without a rest, I have noticed the amount of rest I need is getting less and less.
I have signed up for the advanced class which starts in two weeks time, so for the next two weeks until then, I’ll simply go swim 4 days a week and work on reducing the rest time even more and aim to try and swim 50m at a time instead of 25.
This reminds me of when I first started running where I could barely run a couple blocks without huffing and puffing and having to walk, but over time the amount of walking got less and less until I didn’t need to walk, and the huffing-and-puffing went away.
I just need to keep working at it.
My first swim goal is to swim 400m without stopping. That would be quite a milestone as that is the distance I had to swim for my Divemaster certification and it took me 17min 39secs.