This was biggest training week so far with 12 hrs and 13 mins.
The one disappointment was an aborted attempt to do an open water swim in the ocean while I was in Florida for work. The water was really rough with a pretty strong current. A couple of coworkers and I swam about 500m along the shore and then turned around. That was the hard part. We must have swam for about 5 mins and got absolutely no where. We ended up just walking back to our starting point.
Most of the training this week was over the weekend. The weather cooperated and I was able to do my long ride outdoors in some really nice weather. Upper 60s F and sunny. Of course, it would be too much to ask for perfect weather so I had to deal with 20mph winds. Normally I tend to fixate on my speed, but since it was so windy, I decided to fixate on my power instead and not worry about how fast I was going into the headwinds. At many points I would be riding at 200W and only going 9-10mph. I ended the 3-hr ride with an average power of 144W for the entire ride and a new reported FTP of 167W
I also did my longest run of my training at 12 miles. As it turns out, this is also the first time I have run 12 miles or more since 2007…..the year I did all my marathon training. After my run my inner thighs were bruised from all the chafing. I have to start using BodyGlide on my long runs.

There was one workout my coach added for the Thursday. It was a last minute addition after I asked him how come he didn’t have any bike rides while I was in FL. But he added it so late and I already had a run and swim for that day that I didn’t bother to do it. If he had put it for the Wednesday I would have done it Wednesday morning, but he only added it to my plan Wednesday evening.
Week 16 is going to be another 12-hr week.