This was my last biggish week. It was the first week of the taper, but I still did 10 hours of training. This coming week is where I will notice the biggest drop down to under 7 hrs.
This week was mostly uneventful, but there were two nice running related achievements. For my BRICK workout, I had to run 2 miles and I felt really good coming off the bike and a tempo ride. I didn’t have any jelly legs and I managed to run them at an 11 min/mile pace.
For my long run, I also felt good and for that, I also ran the 9 miles at an average of 11 min/mile. I know I will not be able to replicate this pace in my actual race, but it’s good to see those running improvements.

Now that my training is in the bag so to speak, my focus has now shifted to race day. I spent the last couple days thinking and going over the logistics on race day and make various checklists of things to pack and to have in T1 and T2. It’s not finalized, but it’s getting there. I periodically remember something I need to add to my lists.