Week in Review: July 16 – July 22 2018

This week is typical of what I can expect once a month.  Every month, I fly to FL to work at my company’s office for a week.  The difficulty with that is that I don’t have my bike and my swimming options are limited.

For the trip this past week, I chose to stay in a different hotel to the one I typically stay at.  My typical hotel has a gym, but it doesn’t have a stationary bike.  The hotel I stayed at had a stationary bike and a slightly larger pool.

So, my 2 weekday bike rides were done on an indoor bike.  For the first one on Tuesday, I decided to just listen to my music.  That was booooring.  I couldn’t wait to be done.  Also, for some reason, it is mentally hard to pedal like I would on the road.  So, I took the opportunity to do it as a high cadence workout doing the entire ride at 100RPM or higher.

For the Thursday morning ride, I decided to watch a movie.  That made the time go much faster.  Again, I did the whole ride at 100RPM or higher.

For my long ride, I was back home and did a 37-mile ride.  It felt pretty good.  Due to the excessively high temperatures in the DFW area this week, I wanted to ensure I was done while it was still cool, so I started at 5:30am doing the first 30-45 mins in the dark.  By the time I was done, the temperature was only 80F.

I continued to swim, doing my 4 swim days at the hotel pool.  The pool is only 15m so it involved a lot of laps.  I managed to swim at least 200m per day.  I can tell that I need less and less rest between laps, for for now, I think I can only swim about 50m before needing a rest.

Running went well and was typical of previous week.

My training time was right about the same as last week at 6 hrs 36 mins.

Goals for Next Week: I expect my week will be similar to this past one, but I would like to thrown in more swimming time.  Last week I would do about 6 mins of actual swimming time each session.  I’ll look to move that to about 10 mins

Week in Review: July 9 – July 15 2018

This week went pretty well.  My goal was to swim at least 200m each of the 4 days that I had my swimming lessons, and I managed to do that.  I didn’t make my stretch goal of swimming 400m on one of the days, but I can tell I’m slowly building up endurance in that I need rest less time between 25m lengths.

Friday was tough as my body felt really tired.  I was glad to have the rest day on Saturday.

I didn’t do a brick work today as I wanted to extend my long ride to 35 miles, which I did, and I decided that it was best to not try and run after that.  I did run 4 miles on two my 3 running days though so I ran the same total of 11 miles as I have done for the past few weeks.

My workout time went up to 6 hrs 41 mins this week.  A new high.  Here is what my week looked like:


Goals For Next Week: I’m travelling to FL this week so I wouldn’t have my bike, but I hope to do the equivalent amount of biking on an indoor bike.  I will continue to do 35 miles for my long bike ride, but I will throw in the 1.5 mile run immediately after.  Total running for the week will be 12.5 miles and I hope to do a total of 1000m of swimming

Week in Review: July 2 – July 8 2018

The highlight for this week was the first week of the beginner swim class that I’m taking.  By the second day, I was able to swim freestyle with side breathing.  Now, I can only swim 25m at a time then have to take a brief rest then swim another 25m, but after that 50m I need about 5 mins rest.  The goal though was to learn to swim with side breathing and I accomplished that.  Now I need to work on my endurance.

In running and biking, I did the same distances as the previous week.  11 miles running and 60 miles biking.  I did my second ever brick session today, running 1.5 miles right after my 30-mile bike ride.  Legs felt like jelly, but that was to be expected.  By about the 0.75-mile mark, my legs felt fine in that they didn’t feel like jelly, but they were still tire though, but more like the tired feeling at the end of a long run.

Here is my week from TrainingPeaks:


Goals For Next Week: I will keep the amount of running the same.  For the biking, I will add 5 miles to the long bike ride.  For swimming, I hope to log at least 200m for each of the 4 days of my swimming class with a stretch goal of reaching 400m on one of those days.