This week started off with some bad news. The swimming pool that I normally swim at will be closed the week of March 11 for maintenance. This led me to try and find an alternative pool to swim at. Using Swimmers Guide, I was able to find a 25yd pool that is about 5 mins further than my current pool and more expensive at $5 per day. Even though I bought an annual pass for my current pool, the drop-in rate is only $2 per day. I decided to give it a try for Tuesday’s swim. It worked out well and it was odd in that the time and swim just seemed easier. I don’t know if the change of scenery made a difference. Anyway, it’s a good back-up pool and I’ll swim there while my regular pool is closed. The other thing about this alternate pool is that the lap hours are 7-8pm instead of 8-9pm so it means I don’t get home and have go to bed right away
Running went well this week with my longest run yet at 11 miles. For that run, at about the 6-mile mark, I started to get some left-hip pain. I thought it was like the previous week where at mile 9.5, everything started to hurt. But, shortly after that, I moved on to some sidewalk that was cambered the opposite way and the pain stopped. I was running on the road when the pain started, on the left side so my left leg was lower than my right leg. I spent the rest of my run looking for roads and sidewalks that would allow me to run either level or with my left side higher than my right and it turned out well. I didn’t have any pain for the remainder of the run.
The weather did not cooperate this weekend and it was cold so I had to do my long ride indoors. My long ride was scheduled for 2 hrs and 15 mins. I managed to get through most of it by watching a movie, but even then I ended up stopping at 1 hr 50 mins. I will call that a win. It was a BRICK workout so I ran 3 miles after the ride. The run felt great and I barely had a jelly leg feeling. I was sure to start off at my slow pace and not let me legs take me a higher than normal pace.
I ended the week at 11 hrs of training time